
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

World Chess Championship 2010

Hi everybody....Vishwanathan Anand will be playing against Vaseline Topalov in the World Chess Championship to be played at Bulgaria from 21st April, 2010. As Indians let us wish our hero ALL THE BEST.


  1. Hi everybody,

    Anand has consistently been in top 5 for the last 16 years. He has defeated Kasparov 8 times. He is the only player in Chess history to have won the world title in all the 3 formats (tournament, knock out and Match formats) Anand, the Chess King will be defending his World Title at Bulgaria. As Indians let us Wish him all the best.

    Viswanathan Anand (INDIA) ELO Rating 2791 Vaselin Topalov (BULGARIA) ELO Rating 2813
    (Starting on 21.04.2010)
    Actual games start from 23.04.2010

    Please watch the game live on INTERNET.

  2. from samanvitha chess we all wish you all the best

