
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ritvik joins Samanvithaa Chess Academy

Master Ritvik joined Samanvithaa Chess Academy in February 2012. The academy heartily welcomes him with lots of good wishes and blessings....

Master Kaustubha is the New No.1 of Samanvithaa Chess Academy

HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS to Master Kaustubha, the New No.1 player of Samanvithaa Chess Academy. He overtook Master Chanakya and is now leading ahead with 12 points on 1863. Chanakya is on 1851 and Jatin is on 1842. Master Pawan improved his rating and is now No.5 with 1738 points.
Kaustubha, the New No.1 of Samanvitha Chess Academy. Today he won the SCA tournament where the top 4 players participated. He blanked them all with 3/3 performance. Kudos to Kaustubha..
Master Pawan, who improved his rating currently at No.5 Today he solved a birlliant puzzle in less than 5 Minutes

Master Vineeth, No.4 of SCA solved a brilliant puzzle with ease.

Ranking and Rating

MARCH 2012

Rank Name Rating
1 Kaustubha 1863
2 Chanakya 1851
3 Jatin 1842
4 Vineeth 1770
5 Pawan 1738
6 Kaushik 1733
7 Anurag 1727
8 Nikhila 1708
9 Chaitanya 1690
10 Ritvik 1674
11 Srinivas 1657
12 Sreyamsh 1649
13 Arihanth 1644
14 Supraja 1452

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Congrats to Chanakya - the No.1 of Samanvithaa Chess Academy

Hearty Congratulations to Chanakya who is No.1 of Samanvithaa Chess Academy for the first time....Keep it up Chanakya..

CHANAKYA No 1 of Samanvithaa Chess Academy (February 2012)

Ritvik, Anurag,Jatin and Vineeth solve *** puzzle easily

Ritvik as usual showed why he is at ease in solving puzzles. He solved 2 puzzles in less than 5 minutes. Anurag, Jatin and Vineeth however took time to arrive at the correct solution...Congrats to Ritvik...
Ritvik during SCA his left are  Jatin No.3 and Kaushik (No.5)  of the Academy